Law & Grace - Adults


Instructor: Moses SowaleLanguage: English


What you’ll learn

Discover God's purpose for the Law

The Law of God serves a purpose; it is a mirror that reflects our sin and our need for the Savior, Jesus Christ. It acts as a check on our sinful nature, which would otherwise lead us to sin. It serves as a guide to living a holy, God-pleasing life.

Understand the role of Grace

Grace is created by God and given as assistance because God desires one to have it, not necessarily because of anything one has done to earn it. It is a spontaneous gift from God to people that is generous, free, and completely unexpected and unnecessary. It takes the form of divine favor, love, compassion, and a share in God's divine life.

Recognize the importance of Law and Grace

We are still obligated to obey God's commands as Christ-followers, but now we have the Holy Spirit in us, giving us the ability, desire, and power to do so. "For it is God who works in you, to will and to work for His good pleasure."

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