Personal Spiritual Awareness - Children

Personal spiritual awareness is about talking to God and understanding what God wants you to do in your life.

Instructor: Moses SowaleLanguage: English

About the course

Personal spiritual awareness is about talking to God and understanding what God wants you to do in your life. In this class, you will learn about your own spirituality and figure out how you feel about God. By learning about your spirituality, you will know what you believe in and your purpose.


Learning Outcomes

Talk to God every day

If we start by talking to God, our lives will be even better. Staying close to God is always the right thing to do.

Grow in spiritual awareness

Being aware of your spirit and understanding that you're not just a body but also a spirit can change the way you see the world and how you treat others. It's important to think about the spiritual side of life.

Discover God’s plan for your life

God made you for a special reason! Get to know God and make Him happy, and do good things to show you believe in Him and make your faith stronger.

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