Personal Spiritual Awareness - Young Adults

Personal spiritual awareness is about connecting with God and God’s ultimate purpose for your life.

Instructor: Moses SowaleLanguage: English

About the course

Personal spiritual awareness is about connecting with God and God’s ultimate purpose for your life. In this module, you will gain awareness and understanding of your spirituality and determine the condition of your heart with God. Cultivating spiritual awareness will help you know your values, beliefs, and purposes. 


Learning Outcomes

Get Connected To God

We would have the most beautiful lives if we began each day supercharged in the Lord and wholly connected to the ultimate source of all power. Staying connected to God is always dependable and never prone to error.

Cultivate spiritual awareness

Life is Spiritual; You will understand that you are a spirit with a physical body, not just a physical body with a spirit. Accepting this idea will change your attitude toward people, life, and the events and situations you go through.

Discover God’s purpose for your life

You were made for a reason. God brought you into the world with a specific purpose in mind. Your primary goal is to get to know God and exalt Him. Then you can engage in other good works that will bring God glory and develop your faith.

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