The Holy Spirit - Children


Instructor: Moses Sowale


What you’ll learn

Understand the role of the Holy spirit

The Holy Spirit plays numerous roles. The Holy Spirit equips people for ministry, gives people specific insight and wisdom, teaches people how to interpret God's Word, communicates with the Father on their behalf, and empowers Christians to live according to God's design throughout the Bible.

Strengthen or begin building your understanding of the Holy Spirit

Understanding who the Holy Spirit is and what role He plays in your individual lives is critical for all Christians. Knowing the Holy Spirit will drastically change your life because He is how you will experience God's life within you.

Connect with the Holy Spirit as a member of the Trinity

In order to better any relationship in our lives, we typically start by getting to know the other person better. Our comprehension makes it easier for us to relate to them and may motivate us to communicate with them more frequently. We have to apply the same principles when connecting with the Holy Spirit.

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